So excited to submit my photo to "Rock the Shot" for fun at the beach! Its not hard to tell the beach is my favorite place on earth! This shoot was so fun! Here are some tips on how to get great shots at the beach with little ones is simple.
1.HAVE FUN! Just let them have fun and play, I stand from a distance normally and just let them have fun in there own element without them realizing Im there! I typically do not use many props but the beach can be a exception, bring a shovel, or dig a little hole and let it fill with water and you will be sure to capture some great splashing shots! If the child is a bit older let them run free or collect some shells!
2. GOLDEN HOUR:Timing is very important. This shot was taking around 7pm which even now is almost too bright with the days lasting even longer, my favorite time to shoot is around 8pm-8:30 however if your lucky shoot on a cloudy or overcast day and you can get away with shooting earlier! Shooting at the beach is great. Look for the opportunties to get a nice reflection in the water and remember the sand is a natural reflector so you should have some really nicey lit photos!
3. WEATHER CONDITIONS: It can be pretty windy and little ones with longer hair can be difficult. Be sure to face them in the direction where the wind is blowing there hair back! I know that may sound like common sense but sometimes with all the excitement going on we forget . Who likes to photoshop out hair strands! NOT ME LOL
Camera settings and equiptment used:
Nikon d4
Nikon 85mm 1.4 camera settings where ss 450, iso 200, 1.4 . I was actually laying down on my belly for this shoot got wet and muddy but hey thats the fun of it all!
Thank you Rock the shot for the opportunity be sure to check them out!