""It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Okay, okay, I know...it is only September, right? But, why wait until the last minute to get holiday shopping, your wardrobe, some of the cooking and baking, your home decorated and preparing for family done all at the last minute? I am guilty...but not this year! Say it with me everyone, "I will not wait until the last minute for my holiday cards and photos. I will not forget to do them year after year!" How about a little preparing this holiday season? I will make it easy on you, just show up at my studio and let me worry about the rest! How would having your holiday cards and photos finished by Thanksgiving sound? Wonderful right? You already have your children's outfits picked out, so that's one thing to check off your list along with beautiful custom cards made...check that off too! Beautiful, timeless photos of your little ones - double check! I neglected to mention how incredibly magical these sessions are. Let your little one enjoy the magic of the holidays in a comfortable, warm setting. I order a pool-sized bag of snow that looks and feels realistic without the freezing temperatures! I have a little winter wonderland right here in the comfort of my heated studio. To book my limited edition winter session, just click here: http://llphotographybylindsey.com/store/videos/winter-minis?imageid=0 - warm cookies & milk included! I look forward to meeting all of my new clients!